Video: What is Trauma?
Trauma is a complex topic that can be difficult to wrap our heads around. This short video gives a simple explanation of trauma and its effects on people.
Three Questions
You can help a friend or loved one share their pain by asking just three simple questions, and listening without offering judgment or solutions.
The Safe Listener’s Promise
People who are hurting are sometimes afraid to talk about what’s wrong. Making this commitment can help people feel safe enough to share their painful experiences.
Video: Healing from Trauma
Healing from trauma is always possible — but how does it really happen? This one-minute video explains how someone might begin the healing journey.
Video: The Journey of Healing
When you’ve gone through something really difficult, the healing process can take a long time — and it almost never looks the way we expect it to. This short video offers perspective and encouragement for those on a journey of healing.
It often feels difficult to pray in times when we are experiencing deep suffering. The Bible has a blueprint for a kind of prayer that helps us pour out our pain to God.
Recognizing Trauma
Trauma is a wound of the heart and mind that causes deep suffering. But it’s not always easy to recognize. This resource walks you through the three most common ways trauma presents itself in people’s lives.
Trauma Healing Basics Discussion Guide
Today, we are living through a trauma epidemic. This is an easy-to-use discussion guide to help groups of people to learn about trauma and healing together.
Beyond Disaster: A Survivor’s Guide
If you have survived a disaster, this booklet can help you with practical ways to care for yourself and your loved ones.
Caregiver Cards
Caring for others is important work. So is caring for yourself. These print-at-home cards can help you care for yourself and experience God’s love when the burden of caregiving feels overwhelming.
Grief Journey
When you are grieving a loss, it’s normal to feel sad, angry, or hopeless for a time. This postcard sheds light on the journey of grief and offers a few things that can help along the way.